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A Path Less Taken 

New Moon in Gemini - Initiation into Awakening

Crystal By arura

Beautiful People ,

we are blessed with the grace of a New Moon in Gemini , on the 22nd of May 2020. Notice the mirroring ? 22.5.22 Is it surprising then that the sign of Gemini is known as The Twins. In the Tarot , Gemini is represented by The Lovers ... and while many see the Lovers as a romantic card - what the Lovers really represent is a Choice. And this is exactly what this New Moon is offering us. A choice. A fork in the road.

Will we choose to wake up with ease and a sense of unlimited possibilities , to choose love in thought, speech and action.

The master number 22 has a very practical nature and possess

extreme potential, which when unleashed with and through

others, builds mind-blowing structures| businesses. The master

number 22 brings qualities such as insight, talent, courage,

intelligence, power and charisma. We also have a 5 sitting between

22 indicating the energy of change.

The focus being on our relationship with others as a product of our

relationship with ourselves. This new moon is specifically centered

around choices , choosing to take a new perspective and taking

notice of how we communicate.

Not just with ourselves but also with others..

What are the beliefs and thoughts that have been holding us back

from moving forward in our life. It comes down to our beliefs about

ourselves doesn't it ?

What have we been taught all our lives - is how we see our selves

and that is how we choose to communicate with each other. So look


I pulled a spread for this New Moon - since we have pluto retrograde

I have used the Shamanic Healing Oracle. To Indicate possible blocks

and challenges and the Oracle of Light to indicate what lies ahead.

What we choose to shift in this period , will set the foundation for the

rest of this life and future lifetimes - why ? Because each lifetime is an

opportunity to evolve. And this new moon is allowing us to close out

karmic cycles from previous lifetimes. Give your self a pat of the back for

choosing to do this brave work !

Main Energies

 Main Energies




Our challenges and fears that will be coming up possibly is a refusal to take action towards change. Being unwilling to see the other side of a coin or refusing to look at the larger picture as indicated by the Omens card. We may feel Anger - towards others and the past , hold onto a victim mentality. The cards below are telling us that what is happening or has happened was and is for our own evolution, and the more we resist , the harder this is going to be. We must integrate the lessons of the past, for they are here in the present for us to re access and choose a different future rather than repeating old cycles again and again. We are being asked to dance - to shift to an energy of joy , love and anticipation..

The higher picture does not involve just us, but all of humanity as we are here as a collective especially at this point to move ahead with more joy, or recreate the heaviness of the past. The simplest most effective thing you can do now, it to make a commitment to change, to let go of the old.

And finally I particularly love how in both decks we had the last card as Transformation - a number 22 for a block, and Awakening finally.. should we choose to walk through that gate and embrace this Initiation. Eclipse season will soon be here to clear out what must go.. Wether we accept it or not , the evolution of the earth is taking place and we are at a crossroads. To come along or be dragged by our feet... Let's choose love always.

What Lies Ahead

 What Lies Ahead

Crystals to use at this time are Selenite - to raise your vibration ,

Smoky Quartz to ground your energies.

Turquoise to enhance Intuition and connect with your Higher Self and the larger Truth.

Crystal By Arura

You may do a manifestation ritual , focusing on the change you wish to invite into your life.

Check out the Meditation - to help you connect to your Higher Self on IGTV ( tonight 21st May at 815 pm India Standard Time ) if you miss it, there will be a relay in the IGTV.

Set intentions in your crystals.

Place a bottle of distilled water out in the moonlight, and use it for rituals during the year.

I wish you all courage , faith and infinite blessings on your journey ahead. If you wish to book an Akashic Reading to discover and understand your souls path and how previous lives have been affecting you, please click here to know more..

With much Love ,


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