planet : Jupiter, Neptune, and Saturn
Delicate and stunning Natrolite, occurs as fine needle like Crystals of pure white, colorless, pale yellow, green, brown and grey. They sometimes occur in spherical formations, looking like puffy crystal balls.
This is a stone for those who want to fast track spiritually and make a shift in their life. They are said to be the most powerful of all Zeolites. Use natrolite when you would like to move your life in new directions, and make change.
If you are working on your spiritual growth these crystals are extremely beneficial, and they work well in combination with other high energy stones.
Being a white stone, Natrolite will work with All Chakras, however is primarily connected to the Crown Chakra.
* zeolites absorb toxicity from the environment, and keep the energy of a room high.
* use it to develop your psychic gifts of claireaudience, intuition, automatic writing etc
* natrolite is an ascension (evolution) stone. it may take your life in a unexpected direction, but it is always for your highest good.
* harmonizes the physical body with the spiritual light body
Natrolite helps you to see each aspect of your life or a situation. like a collective of high vibration beings, it teaches that we each have something unique to offer, even as we stand together. it helps you find this uniqueness about yourself.
Colour : pure white, colorless, pale yellow, green, brown and grey
inner guidance, evolution , harmonizing